Intro to CSS Module 2

Demonstrating the Box Model

The CSS box model is essentially a box that wraps around every HTML element. It consists of: borders, padding, margins, and the actual content.

Lady Gaga has always worn her influences on her sleeve. Her medium is pop—not just music, but culture. When she debuted in 2008, her flamboyance on and off the stage earned comparisons to Madonna, Elton John, and David Bowie, and the intervening years have cemented her as one of the only 21st-century stars who can stand anywhere near their mountaintop. The music she released in the first few years of her career—hooky, thudding, enormous—remains the sonic palette held in highest esteem by her die-hard fans, even as she has dabbled more and more with rock, jazz, and adult contemporary. But even across disparate genres, the Lady Gaga sound is distinct. She is one of the most recognizable modern pop reference points.

Research week 2


As an art student color theory is one subject, I have spent a lot of time on. I thought that the Khan Academy did an excellent job with color. I found that color was similar to how we added it to in html with only a slight variation that split the categories up. The color is in the style tag and then within brackets. Before the brackets there are several different hash values you can add to select different types : Colorkeyword, hexcode, shorthex, rgbvalue, rgbavalue, hslvalue, hslavalue, and currcolor. Today there are endless websites that allow you to create or host colors and color combination palettes for designing. For this website I just added word colors like “ purple” and “black.” I found a great website where I used the words but it also lists different formats of the color. While I was in the Khan Academy website the most interesting feature for me was the RGB color matching. It was fun adjusting the colors, but I will admit it visually played with my eyes and I didn’t feel particularly well. When I was trying to embed my personal website onto this page I struggled and could not get it to work. After a quick google search, I found that Google blocks their sites to be embedded on others. I found that disappointing. For the box model I started in an online editor and made my adjustments. The main tag for the box model is div. The main areas of a box are: content, padding, border and the margin. All of these have a main area and an edge. Some of the features you can add in the element for the lines is solid, dashed and dotted. You are able to adjust the width of all of these areas. There is the ability to make a colored box with several different boxes inside that have varying shapes. You have the ability to choose the background color and the border color, but these can also be kept the same.